Joe Dantone

Joe Dantone

Based In: Philadelphia, PA
Fearless Awards: 0
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The Story

Collin and Suzanne had their wedding at a Brewery in Philadelphia which alone was awesome. The whole day was so fun and relaxing and this was a highlight moment. About to take a portrait in front of City Hall on Broad St. a wind gust comes along and pulls the brides veil out and sends it into oncoming traffic. The groom Collin, being an Lacrosse athlete, took off running without even looking into traffic and tried chasing the veil until it got hung up on the building's flagpole. After laughing it up with the bride and groom and taking more shots, we headed back to the party trolley and as the best man was walking past, the veil dropped from the flagpole and landed right in his hands! I have a complete scene by scene set from this!
Joe Dantone
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Joe Dantone